

[Trans+News]Kim Hyun Joong received a scarve gift from fans is a hot topic

January 19th Kim Hyun Joong appeared on KBS 2TV Entertainment Weekly broacast.In this broadcast have the question for Kim Hyun Joong "What is a memorable gift of the gitfs received from fans overseas?" Kim Hyun Joong answer "He was interview in China ,then
I saw a gift from fans it is a shawl over 100M. I really surprised it's the long shawl and adding sesame raised a laugh doing the proud dragon like a shawl." he answered and created a buzz.

And Kim Hyun Joong said about the dog to the open attractive stories. Kim Hyun Joong 's dog has recently spread as the protagonist of a carrier in advertising on appearances. In the broadcast ,Kim Hyun Joong decided to send a video letter to his dog. He said about his dogs "its will be eat well and live well too in the future." Kim Hyun Joong's answer are make everybody laugh."

In next time Entertainment Weekly will be report about Kim Hyun Joong's Japan Tour Concert.

English Translate : @CTD08

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