

Grammar(Time - Date)

 6) Time – Hour – Minute (시간 )
The interrogative pronoun ‘’ can be attached the noun ‘’ to ask the time. For instance, 시예요?  means  ‘What time is it?’ Korean numbers are used for the hors, whereas Sino-Korean numbers are used for the minutes.
Telling the hour (Korean numbers)
1:00 =         2:00 =         3:00 =         4:00 =
5:00 =
다섯    6:00 = 여섯      7:00 = 일곱     8:00 = 여덟
9:00 =
아홉    10:00 =       11:00 = 열한   12:00 = 열두
Example : 시예요?(What time is it? )
여섯)시예요.(Six o’clock.)
여섯) 15(십오)분이에요.(Six fifteen)오전  7(일곱)시예요. (Seven A.M.)오후 2() 20(이십)분이에요. (Two twenty P.M.)
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Second =
                       Minute =
Hour =
시간                       Early = 일찍
Late =
늦다                         On time = 정기적
a.m. (ante meridiem) =
p.m. (post meridiem) =

Note ! : (Time) >> Previously , the marker ‘-’ referred to a location , but by attaching it to a time noun it can be used to indicate the time when something takes place.
A :
시에 가요?(What time do you go?)
B :
일곱 시에 가요. (I go at 7 o’clock.)

7) Time – Day – Month – Year (시간 )
며칠이에요? (What is the date?) used to ask about the date.
The Month
January =
일월                  February = 이월               March = 삼월
April =
사월                      May = 오월                       June = 유월
July =
칠월                        August = 팔월                  September = 구월
October =
시월                 November = 십일월        December =십이월
Monday = 월요일           Tuesday = 화요일           Wednesday = 수요일
Thursday =
목요일          Friday = 금요일               Saturday = 토요일
Sunday =
Example :  A : 오늘이몇 며칠이에요? (What is the date today?)
                  B : 7(
) 5()일이에요.( It’s July 5th)

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Today = 오늘                     Tomorrow = 내일            Yesterday = 어제
The day after tomorrow =
모래                 The day before yesterday = 그제
This week =
이번        Next week = 다음      Last week = 지난
This month =
이번      Next month = 다음    Last month = 지난
This year =
올해               Next year = 다음 /내년           Last year =지난 /작년
Daily =
일간                        weekly = 주간                   monthly = 월간

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