

Weather - Temperature - Conditions

Weather – Temperature – Conditions (날씨 온도- 상태 )
What’s the temperature? = 기온이 도예요?
It’s 25 degrees Celsius. =  
섭씨 25 도예요.
What’s the weather like today? =
오늘 날씨는 어떤가요?
It’s boiling today. =
오늘 무척 덥네요.
It’s hot and humid. =
덥고 습한 날씨네요.
It’s getting  warmer. =
점점 더워지네요.
It’s cool. =
날씨가 시원해요.
I can’t take a cold weather. =
추운 날씨는 참을 없어요.
It’s a bit chilly.
조금 쌀쌀해요.
It’s freezing. =
너무 추워요.
No need for a coat today. =
오늘은 코트 입을 필요가 없어요.
Beautiful day , isn’t it? =
좋은 날씨네요, 그렇죠?
Is it going to rain today? =
오늘 비가 올까요?
It was pretty foggy this morning. =
오늘 아침에는 안개가 짙었어요.
I can’t trust the weather forecast. =
일기예보를 믿을 수가 없어요.
Season =
계절                                                   Spring =
Summer =
여름                                                                Autumn/Fall =  가을
Winter =
겨울                                                   Rainy season = 우기
Clear/Fair =
맑은                                              Sunny = 화창한
Cloudy =
흐린                                                   Rainy = 비오는
Foggy =
안개                                                Snowy = 눈오는
Hailing =
우박 내리는                                    Windy = 바람 부는
Showery =
소나기 내리는                          Airy = 통풍이 되는
Breeze =
산들바람                                         Mild = 온화한
Dry =
건조한                                                     Scorching = 매우 더운
Boiling =
몹시 더운                                         Hot = 더운
Warm =
따뜻한                                                                Cool = 시원한
Chilly =
쌀쌀한                                                  Cold = 추운
Freezing =
몹시 추운                                     Celsius = 섭씨
Fahrenheit =

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