Title : Kim Hyung Jun 3rd anniversary of his debut solo concert - He, his story -
[ Performance Overview]
Title : Kim Hyung Jun 3rd anniversary solo concert - He, his story -
Cast: Kim Hyung Jun
Date: 2014 Feb. 8(Sat) 7PM
Location: Yonsei University Auditorium
Tiket: VIP seats 77,000 / R seats 66,000 / S 55,000 KRW
Viewers: 12 years over
Hosted by: SPLUS Entertainment
[ Booking Information]
Ticket Open: Fanclub sales(VIP seats)
Date: 2013/12/31 2:00 PM ~ 2014/1/1 11:59PM
Reception: Email Subscription (spluscompany@naver.com)
* Fan Club VIP line application is available for sale, and only one can apply for a maximum of two pieces.
(VIP seats: 77,000 won)
* The seats are given top priority on the seating chart area (VIP seats) in
Mail order ticket application (however, the transfer identifier) assigned, and
Deposit the check until January 1 at 11:59PM.
* Seating is outside in the middle of the first line of the order placement,
Tickets for the concert day, the field distribution.
* Final acceptance list, Will be notice that on January 3 in homepage.
[ Application Information]
Mail received: spluscompany@naver.com
- The application form: (title) [Kim Hyung concert Application] Name, date of birth, mobile phone number (details)
[ Deposit Guide]
Bank Account Number: S-Plus Entertainment 1005-401-578162 Woori bank [우리은행 1005-401-578162 에스플러스엔터테인먼트]
General ticket sales on January 3, website announcements, We will guide to you again.
Thank you.
Credit : Spluscompany
English Translate : @CTD08