Hello! B2M Entertainment.
On February 24 is Kyu Jong's birthday , right?
Kyu Jong cannot come to close with fans together.
This birthday is not lonely? We worried about it.
Last year Kyu Jong handwritten letter about the events by himself , right?
This year too have a similar events as last year but
Kyu Jong 's opinion is 100% reflected the events in progress.
Today from this moment until Kyu Jong's birthday is on February 24 at 11.59PM.
Official website's freeboard/ThanKYU dedicated home board. Let's writing on the topic of happiness.
Poetry , Essay etc. All of that are so good. But we supposed to be homestead.
Kyu Jong will read all of message to send to him.
Let's share the beautiful things with Kyu Jong's opinion.
Welcome to attend to the warm birthday event.
Don't had hidden. Let's join to send it or polaroid together.
Credit : B2M Entertainment
English Translate : @CTD08